

Have you been trying to find new ways to grow and promote your social media account? Trying to generate engagements can be much harder than anticipated even though almost 49% of the world's population has a social account. And the ever changing algorithms of these platforms makes it increasingly harder to get your content out there. Personal and business accounts are always trying to achieve a successful social media presence but must overcome several common challenges. If you invest some time and effort into really growing your social media you can exceed your goals. In this post, we will share our top five tips that have shown great improvement on our social media. But keep in mind there is no one size fits all and almost all strategies and techniques can vary between the target audiences, services, goals, and current times.



This topic can be very controversial, some say focus on quality and others say quantity. But with social platforms being over saturated you need to do both. Let's take Instagram for example, 95 million photos and videos get shared per day which means you need a large quantity of content so people find it and high quality posts so they stick out from the never ending sea of images. But at the end of the day just be sure you're constantly posting at least two times per day and perfect the quality of your content as you learn and grow through trial and error.


  • Post at least two times a day, more the merrier.

  • Perfect the quality of your content as you grow.


Start getting more social on social media. What I mean by that is try connecting with other accounts, start conversations by leaving comments or private messaging them. Monitor your own posts and look for things that spark conversations on your content. Always respond to comments with appreciation, information, and suggestion and be a brand that adds value to their lives. Without us, social media is just an empty platform and it’s the people that share creative ideas, amazing images, and memes, that make it a social community.


  • Start connecting with other related social accounts.

  • Always try to spark a conversation by adding value.

  • Always respond to comments with appreciation and information.


No matter why your followers are on social media, it pays to create engaging, funny, and positive captions. If you want people to comment on your social posts you need to be relevant and engaging to your audience. So do your research and connect to your audience with short and simple captions on what's trending in your community/group. Also be sure to use hashtags in your captions on all your posts. Instagram, for example, can have up to 30 hashtags a post. But how many do you use? You will hear some people use all 30, others maybe 12, or none at all. This is when experimenting is necessary but if done right they can help you reach your target audience, and make it easier for others to find your account.


  • Keep your captions short and simple.

  • Find what’s trending to get the most engagements.

  • Experiment with the amount of hashtags in a post.

  • Avoid using the same hashtags every post.



This topic is one of my favorites, creating a style for your social account. This needs to be something that will make someone stop scrolling through the sea of images and know you posted it.. But that’s easier said than done, finding your style involves planning, patience, and creativity. Think about what you post and how you want it to look. What colors and fonts are you going to use? What writing style and tone of voice do you have? Are you posting graphics, videos, images, or all of them? Take all these things into consideration when creating your voice and your brand style.


  • Create a dynamic brand style.

  • Bring personality and humanize your brand.

  • Experiment and be creative with different designs.


As you implement your social strategy it's important to keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Social media moves fast in the world and you have to keep up. No matter the size of the account you always have to be looking at how many followers, likes, comments, shares, a piece of content gets. Otherwise you won’t have any idea what content or strategies are paying off and which ones crash. You can find The analytics/insight tool on almost every social platform. This gives a great view of the what and how well your content is performing.


  • Fine tune the content that performs best.

  • Always be tracking what works and doesn’t.

  • Use the analytics/insight to your advantage.


A successful social media can be hard work and if you don’t take it seriously you’ll undoubtedly miss out. Use these tips to fine tune your social media until you’ve created a winning strategy. Stay with it, keep focused, and post consistent quality content that is easily consumable by your audience.
