What is Cache?

Hey, what's up everybody, Austin here with Partners In Posts, and today I want to talk to you briefly about cache, not the kind of cash that you put in your bank but the kind of cache that your computer uses.

So there are a few different scenarios that we really like to optimize our cache, and the cache you can basically think of as a place that your computer stores information that you need to use often and quickly! Rendered files are a really good example of data that you're going to want quick access to, but it's not necessarily something that you're going to want to keep.

So your computer can store cache in external drives. And so we use a Glyph Technologies Atom RAID Zero M.2 SSD that is really fast as our external cache. Whenever we're rendering any kind of graphics or video for our raid system, we have two accelerated cash pools, one with SSDs and one with M.2 storage. And basically, if you're editing something on our server and it realizes that you're going to be using video files or rendered files, it's going to store those temporarily on the cache.


So this is data that is mirrored and safe, but extremely fast and quick to access. And this can just make everything flow smoothly. It really helps to have a hardware solution that manages all of this for you like the Q Nap 12 bay server that we have manages all of that accelerated cash seamlessly. We have multiple editors and animators working on the server and it will move the files that are most frequently needed to that accelerated cash for quick access.

And there you have it. That's a quick breakdown of how the cache is used in a professional environment. If you have any questions, please reach out. If not, we'll see you next time.